INRAE Scientists

INRAE Scientists

The SuMCrop metaprogram, like other INRAE metaprograms, is open to all scientists working in an INRAE unit (UR, UE, UMR, USC…), regardless of their employer. This means that these scientists can participate in all the activities offered and get involved in the various actions of the metaprogram as project leaders or as partners following the calls for projects.

Mailing list:

The MP funds various actions, including seminars, workshops, writing retreats (e.g., to produce a "position paper"), reflection retreats (to develop a new vision, lay the foundations for an ambitious project, etc.), internships (e.g., Master’s level), missions, summer or winter schools, etc. Exploratory project funding is also offered (typically 10 to 50k€ over 2 years), as well as half PhD scholarships (one to two per year).

An international dimension for projects can be considered in connection with the funding instruments promoted by INRAE (LIA, R2I, Joint Linkage Calls, PPI, etc.). The funding is aimed at INRAE teams, but the inclusion of partners from different agricultural sectors and development will be encouraged.

Support for teams will take the form of calls for proposals, for which two essential elements will be expected: building an interdisciplinary approach and proposing a pathway that combines several of the actions described above. In other words, proposals should compose a structured pathway (e.g., a workshop, then a reflection retreat, then missions between units), which may include a request for funding for an exploratory project.

The specificity of the SuMCrop MP is to carry out the 1st phase of selection during an annual seminar, which is a moment of exchange and mutual knowledge for the SuMCrop research community. During this seminar, interested parties can present an idea for a future project, which can then be submitted to phase 2 of the Call for Expressions of Interest. Attention: submitting a proposal to phase 2 of the Call for Expressions of Interest involves a presentation during this seminar. Interested parties also have the opportunity to register for the seminar to participate without making a presentation. The award of a half PhD scholarship can support an existing or consolidating collaboration in an interdisciplinary framework or complement a project as described above.

Below you will find a list of the projects and PhDs funded so far: