The Health Territory Concept

The Health Territory Concept

The agroecological transition will involve coupling action scales, from the plot to the landscape. The body of results on the possibilities of pest control at the landscape scale has expanded over the past 10-15 years, but much remains to be done. Beyond purely ecological aspects, the question of implementing territorialized management strategies and the levers of action to be mobilized arises.

This will require taking into account the different categories of actors (from farmers to the Minister of Agriculture). The development of health crises, such as endemic epidemics, involves at least as many biological issues as behavioral and strategic issues from the actors. The concept of "health territory" is currently the subject of reflections supported by the Strategic Plans of the ACT, SPE, and SA divisions, as well as Ecosocio. Any practical or conceptual contributions will be welcome to feed into this construction effort. What collective strategies for crop health should be developed in territories? How can we take into account the specificities of sectors and their production territories? What is the protective potential provided by a collective strategy at the territorial level for individual actors? What are the costs and benefits generated, for whom, and over what time scale? How can we better articulate biological, organizational, and economic approaches on these issues?

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The DETERAGRO is an interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral exploration of the determinants of the dissemination of agroecological crop protection strategies.

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Sustainable crop management requires going beyond the development of effective pest control strategies, and taking into account the non-target effects (NTEs) of these strategies.

The STRATAE project aims to federate research conducted in the Basse Durance Valley site, to support the region's agroecological transition over the next 10 years and assess its effects.