Surveiller pour anticiper © C Maitre
Monitoring to Anticipate

Monitoring to Anticipate

Living with pests in agroecological systems, with very limited curative treatment options, requires enhanced epidemiological surveillance to adapt control methods and anticipate risks, including a range of approaches to be combined (mathematical, biological, economic, organizational, etc.).

What kind of epidemiological surveillance is needed to better monitor and anticipate current and future changes in pest populations, in relation to major changes (agroecological transition, climate, etc.)? Small Data: how to proceed when data is sparse or very limited? What analysis methods should be developed and how should they be made available? How can we anticipate health crises? Can systematic approaches to crisis anticipation be developed, considering all aspects (biological, economic, organizational, etc.)? Is it possible to create proof-of-concept in one or a few specific situations?

In this folder

© Frédéric Suffert

Reports of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), the causal agent of stem rust, have recently multiplied in France, raising concerns about the resurgence of this disease, long considered one of the most serious for wheat.

© Tiphaine Vidal

Stripe rust, caused by the biorpic fungus Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici, is one of the most widespread and destructive wheat diseases.