Exploratory project STRATAE (2024 - 2025)

STRATAE - Initiate a territorial dialogue to conciliate individual and collective STRATegies and support the AgroEcological transition in horticulture

The STRATAE project aims to federate research conducted in the Basse Durance Valley site, to support the region's agroecological transition over the next 10 years and assess its effects.

Background and challenges

Maintaining high-quality, healthy, and economically viable agricultural production, protecting crops from biotic stressors and from the effects of climate disruption, while respecting the environment and biodiversity, are challenges for both agriculture and health that need to be tackled in a global and transdisciplinary way at a regional scale. 
The Basse Durance Valley is one of France's major horticultural production areas, particularly for apples and fresh produces in the PACA region. Bordered by the Alpilles and Luberon regional parks, the area is characterized by a diverse landscape that is highly attractive for tourism and recreation. The area is relevant for studying socio-ecological transformations and demonstrating the added value of agroecological transition in terms of collective management of the biotic stressors, their natural regulation, and pesticide use.


The STRATAE project aims to build a consortium based on several laboratories from the INRAE-PACA center in agronomic and ecological sciences all conducting researches in the Basse Durance valley, but that are mainly disconnected to each other at that time. The objective of the consortium is to federate these research efforts to study the transformation of socio-ecological systems at nested territorial scales. Territorial objectives will be gradually built with regional stakeholders to initiate agroecological actions supporting the reduction of pesticide use in apple orchards and the withdrawal of active substances of greatest health concern. 

The consortium proposal aims to:

  1. Specify the partners' expertise on territorial issues
  2. Produce a map of territorial stakeholders and their interconnections
  3. Characterize the opportunities and obstacles to territorial transformation
  4. identify territorial sub-sets to support experimentation and demonstration of agroecological innovations.

Involved research units and partnership:

Research unitScientific divisionField of expertise
PSH  Plant Health & Environment (SPE)Agroecology
PSH  AgroEcoSystemLandscape Ecology
PSH  SPEEcology & Evolution
PSH  AgroEcoSystemEcophysiology
PSH  SPEData scientist
ECODEV  Understanding & Accompanying transformations (ACT)Agroecology
ECODEV  ACTAgronomic transformations
A&E  SPEEcology & Pollination
EmmaH  AgroEcoSystemSoil Ecologie, Ecotoxicologie
EmmaH  AgroEcoSystemPhysical and water properties of soils
EmmaH  AgroEcoSystemMicrobial Ecology & Ecotoxicology 
UERI Gotheron SPEAgronomy, Horticulture

Partners :

UMT PRADE Bee Technical Institut (ITSAP)Agroecology

Contact of the coordinator(s) :