Exploratory project ASPECT (2024)

ASPECT - Pesticide-free agroecology and adaptation to climate change: exploring synergies and antagonisms based on experimental case studies in three crop sectors

Agriculture faces many challenges, including reducing dependence on inputs, particularly pesticides, and climate change (CC). As part of the agroecological transition (AET), adopting a pesticide-free agriculture approach will enable a paradigm shift to be made, in particular by developing a systemic vision of plant health and an in-depth redesign of agricultural systems towards innovative ones based on sanitation practices, plant diversity and biological regulation.

Background and challenges

© INRAE - verger sous protection anti-gel par aspersion, 7 avril 2021, Gotheron
© INRAE -  bandes fleuries à Ca-SYS Bretenière

At the same time, it is mandatory to design adapted and adaptable farming systems to CC. Thus, it requires to develop systems’ resilience to CC and extreme weather events, and to contribute to mitigate CC in a virtuous circle. Climatic hazards impact agroecosystems through their effects on pests and their natural enemies, crops, water resources, etc., which may challenge certain agroecological crop protection practices.
The challenge is therefore to design systems that meet the need of AET, in a context of CC. Agronomic experiments studying agroecological systems using a holistic approach are relevant both for understanding the impact of CC on these systems and for identifying the levers or obstacles to the transition to systems less dependent on inputs such as pesticides, in a CC context. 


© INRAE - Abris maraichers à Alénya

ASPECT is based on three experimental case studies across three experimental units of INRAE involved in AET and confronted to the necessary adaptation to CC. The experimenters involved in these case studies are working on agricultural systems in different sectors: field crops (U2E), orchards (UERI) and market-gardening (UE Maraîchage) in three different French regions. The approaches developed in each case study are original in terms of agroecological redesign, study scales and interactions with stakeholders from agriculture sector and society. The Agroclim service unit brings experience and expertise in studying the current and future effects of climate on crops.

ASPECT's objectives are: 

  • To produce an effective framework for designing agroecological systems that take CC into account. The lessons learned from experimental works across three sites/crop sectors, relating to synergies or antagonisms between plant health management and adaptation to CC, will be explained. 
  • To capitalise on practical experience and to increase the skills of experimenters to develop and implement agroecological practices in a CC context. Inter-unit exchange workshops are planned to facilitate the experience sharing in this cross-sector reflection.
  • To share lessons and identify opportunities for multi-disciplinary broadening of ASPECT through an open webinar in early 2025.  

Involved research units and partnership:

Research unitScientific division Field of expertise
U2E Domaine d’Epoisses SPECropping system agronomist.
Design and assessment of arable crop agroecological systems; Coordinator of the CA-SYS platform. Analysis and valorisation of the CA-SYS cropping system experiment. Experience feedback
U2E Domaine d’Epoisses BAP-SPE-AgroEcoSystemSetting up and monitoring of the CA-SYS system. Experience feedback
UMR AgroécologieAgroEcoSystemCropping system agronomist, Coordinator of the CA-SYS platform.  Effect of agricultural systems on weed flora
UE MaraîchageACTCropping system agronomist, system design, plant health and adaptation to climate change, coordinator of the project
UE MaraîchageACTSoil ecologist
UE MaraîchageACTAgronomist, plant health
UE Maraîchage ACTSetting up and monitoring of agroecological market-gardening systems under shelter. Experience feedback
UE GotheronSPECropping system agronomist. Design and assessment of pesticide free agroecological systems in fruit production; coordinator of the ALTO project Cropping system agronomist. Design and assessment of pesticide free agroecological systems in fruit production; coordinator of the ALTO project 
Analysis and valorisation of ALTO. Experience feedbacks
UE GotheronSPESetting up and monitoring of experiments, especially the ALTO project. Experience feedbacks
UE GotheronSPESetting up and monitoring of experiments. Experience feedbacks
US Agroclim AgroEcoSystemModelling agronomists, specialists in the effect of CC on crops. 
Expertise to build the conceptual scheme for analysing the 3 experiments in regards to extreme weather events encountered, and suggest hypotheses on the evolution of CC impacts.

Contact of the coordinator(s):